Michael quit his job right before Christmas and he is enjoying doing a little consulting work and getting his business going. We love having him at home more often and eating three meals together a day. He works so hard for our family.
Me- I love being at home with my boys. They keep me really busy but when I get a chance I'm working on writing my grandfather's biography and am also training for another triathlon in April.
Anthony is so much fun. When he isn't dressing up as a knight or super hero he is coloring. We are getting quite the collection of his art on our magnet board.
Ethan is a busy little 18 month old. He follows his brother around and does everything he does. He loves treats, loves yelling "NO" and is full of laughter and affection.
We had an awesome valentines up in Salt Lake. We dropped the kids off at the babysitter and headed to La Cucina Toscana for a fancy and wonderful dinner (so fancy that they charged us $7.50 for flat water... we now know what that means). We then went to the symphony and stayed the night at the Marriot. We had such a good time. I sure love this guy.

Anthony hand painted all of his Christmas gifts. It took him 2 1/2 hours but he didn't stop until every corner of the sleighs were painted.

Wrestling Uncle Rick. My boys can't get enough of him.
Dad doing the turkey honor.
The symphony at Abravanel Hall was so beautiful.
We decided to move the week before Christmas so things were a little crazy but we were unpacked in time for the big day. We enjoyed Christmas at home with our little family and then went to Michael's parents for a yummy traditional english dinner with yorkshire pudding.
We went to my sister-in-laws vacation home in St. George for Thanksgiving. We enjoyed nice weather, tennis, shopping, and a super yummy dinner.